Training Instructions

(Applicable for every Direct Seller of the Company while representing him/her as our direct seller.)

Here are terms of instructions that should at least followed up by the each of every Direct Seller
(Including Upline, Downline, or New Direct Seller.)

Note: It's very essential to behave good and professional as our direct seller and it's also guided by the Direct Selling Guidelines (Always Prefer Latest Version, That can be found on Corporate Affairs or Consumer Affairs Department of Indian Government Website).

1. Dress Up

Here is Some tips that can improve you way of Dress up and may help you find a Nice version of you.

  1. Clean Dress Up.
  2. Fresh Mouth
  3. Proper Dress Choice that may not influence any religious sentiment means dress code expected to be common. (Like; Pant, Shirt, Trouser, T-Shirt etc.)
  4. It's not recommened to wear such a dress code that does not suite to your status or may represent you as low than your status. ex. A Pant, Coat, Tie etc.
  5. Hair Style actually depends on you but expected as a gentle person that may make really good effect on your prospect or upline and downline as well.
  6. Your shoes should be clean or polished as that required.

2. Presenting Behavior

Here is some tips that may show the nice person inside of you.

  1. Be Polite while talking.
  2. Try to Listen properly and Answer as less and better as you can see.
  3. Always show a Positive and Warmth Attitude.
  4. If there is some confusion and you don't believe that you can answer it correctly then right down the question and answer them later if Required other keep the answer ready for such questions and the answers can be retrieve form any source Your's Upline, Team or from Company Source or Some where from the Internet as it related to other point that can be retrieve from Internet.
  5. Never argue but discuss with your team, upline etc. on any topic that creates the dispute anyhow.
  6. Never feel awkward to say sorry if you think you have done a mistake or the arguement required it to finish the dispute.
  7. Any dispute that is endless please discuss it with your upline or team and lead it to a Conclusion.
  8. Never Consume any substance like Guthka, Bidi, Cigarette, Pan, Alcohol and other drugs that ruin your personality.
  9. Tip: Your Polite behave shows your solidation in personality.

3. Presentation Kit One to One Meeting/Appointment

Always carry atleast these items while Joining a Meeting.

  1. ID Card.
  2. Visiting Card (if availble).
  3. Planner (Hard or Soft Copy as Available).
  4. Brochure (Not Necessary).
  5. A Notepad of white color and lined papers.
  6. At least two pen of different Colors.
  7. A bag to store them in.

4. Approaching the Prospect

Here is some tips that can be use for the better approach.

  1. Keep your ID Card.
  2. Always take an Appointment before visiting his/her premises.
  3. Keep your presenation material with you (as hard or soft copy).
  4. Understand the prospect requirement as of product or plan.
  5. If Requirement is product then show them product first then plan.
  6. If Requirement is plan then show them plan first then products.
  7. Never overstate the details about the company.
  8. Always tell the truth about the company and never share any incorrect/false information of the company.
  9. Never Argue with prospect but listen them carefully and answer politely.

5. Follow Up (General)

Here is some points that should be followed up while following up prospects.

  1. Understand the time priority according to the prospect.
  2. Recalling repeatation should be an good manner for example it is good to as he/she told or within a week.
  3. If he/she said no then the recall must be within a Month or don't recall them.
  4. Always make a list with more columns aside of his/her name and record thier response in a encrypted manner that can be only understood by you for the sake of privacy security.
  5. Never Calumny with or about any of your prospect.

6. Follow Up (For Product Response)

You may followed up these points after selling the product the follow up the results.

  1. Call the consumer after a appropriate time span.
  2. Record his response and share it with others but remember to take consent verbally before sharing his/her name. reports and address.
  3. If you think that the problem what a consumer has is critial or not good to share. Never Share but keep the result only to you to understand the quality of the product.

7. Learning and Teaching

Here is some tips that can be followed up to know the best way to do the business.

  1. Always try to learn the ways of doing business for this join the training programs and follow up the upline guidelines.
  2. Keep a notebook with you for questions and thier answers and calculations that occurs while learning and doing business.
  3. To decrease the learning time always take the learning as the priority.
  4. To teach as downline you should first learn it better and share to your downlines.

8. Arrangement of a Meeting

Here some useful tips that can be utilised while doing a meeting.

  1. Never overbudget your meeting expense.
  2. Keep Seating arrangement proper and clean.
  3. Never set this burden to your downline or prospects.
  4. Always arrange the meeting in a less noise place.
  5. Follow up the professionalism while speaking and dealing with the porspects or downline or upline.
  6. Every plan and changes should be discussed with the main organizer of the meeting.
  7. Meeting should not be two long and too short.

Conclusive Tips:

  • Always Follow etiquettes of professionalism.
  • Try to wear a formal dress code.
  • Take an Appointment before visiting his/her premises.
  • Always keep your id card while working as Wiseren Direct Seller.
  • Listen more and carefully and reply with best of your answer.
  • Avoid arguments but keep discussion.
  • Never beg/force but suggest/request.
  • Keep the presenation kit proper.
  • You may leave a Visiting card or Pamphlet to your prospect.
  • Meeting and Training Program related.
  • Always arrange Meeting or Training program Under Budget
  • Always Follow the guidance of your upline or main organizer (Any Related direct seller is independent to share his experience or tip to improve the arrangements)
  • Never Burden the meeting expense to the Downlines or Prosepects.
  • Always set a good time and complete meeting within that time period.

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See You in the Team! Welcome!!